Complementary/Holistic Therapy

Patricia Lennan

Member of the Guild of Holistic Therapists

 and Therapy Lecturers

Individually tailored treatments and packages.



Indian Head Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Acupressure facials

Hot Stone Therapy

Patricia Lennan


CAMS ( Complementary and Alternative Therapies) as they are generally referred to now by the medical profession have become increasingly popular as an aid to health and wellbeing. They are sometimes also referred to as holistic therapies, as they can have an affect on not just the body but the mind and emotions too. Some of the therapies are now used in mainstream health care settings such as hospices, pain clinics and in the area of mental health. Research has shown that they can reduce muscular aches and tension, improve circulation, relieve stress and anxiety, improve the immune system and provide one-to-one care and comfort. 

Patricia became interested in these therapies quite a few years ago when working in a naturopathic clinic in Buckinghamshire, and firstly, trained in Remedial Massage. Soon after she trained in one of the very first Aromatherapy clinics to open in Britain. Since then she added to her skills, qualifying in the other therapies listed above and as a lecturer. She has worked in a variety of health care settings, in further education colleges and other organisations. Patricia has also written ‘The Healing Scents’ a guide to Aromatherapy, plus other articles and books. She offers bespoke treatments in a calm and relaxing environment where you are allowed time to unwind and not rush. 

Patricia is a Member of the Guild of Holistic Therapists and Therapy Lecturers

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